Tuesday, August 16, 2005

John Adams
by David McCullough

Several people have recommended 1776 to me lately, but I haven’t been able to get that book from the library yet. So I decided to read McCullough’s previous book John Adams first. You would think that a history book with more than 700 pages would put you to sleep, but McCullough’s book is engaging and John Adams was a fascinating man. I was most impressed with Abigail Adams, who was his equal in every respect. Their letters, though not flowery or sappy, convey the greatest sense of mutual respect, love, and admiration. Adams is frequently relegated to a secondary position among the Founding Fathers, behind Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin. And yet he was absolutely instrumental in every stage of the game, and the reader comes away with the realization that America would have been a different country without Adams’ tireless efforts and service. The book is great, but the man is greater.

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